
Earn money from adsense

Obţinerea şi Activare Cont Google Adsense pentru site-ul tau.
Obţinerea Goolge Adsense de cont pentru site-ul dvs. este primul pas spre câştiga bani de la Google Adsense. Înainte de a aplica pentru Google Adsense asiguraţi-vă că site-ul dvs. funcţionează corect şi nu există în nici un link mort. Pentru a aplica pentru AdSense http://www.google.com/adsense cont Google vizitaţi şi să completaţi formularul de cerere şi de a confirma un e-mail pe care Google vă va trimite. Dacă deţineţi mai multe site-uri aveţi nevoie să se aplice doar o singură dată. După aceasta, Google va evalua site-ul dvs. şi urmaţi-up cu e-mail în 2-3 zile. Dacă cererea dumneavoastră este acceptată veţi putea conecta la contul dvs. Ad Sense.


Plasarea Reclamele Google AdSense pe site-ul dvs.
Următorul pas este de a plasa adaugă pe site-ul dumneavoastră. Logon la contul dvs. AdSense şi selectaţi anunţurile potrivite pentru site-ul dvs. de Web. Apoi, copiaţi şi lipiţi codul de anunţuri pe paginile dvs. de web. Odată ce aţi inserat codul de pe paginile de web, urmatorul pas este de a încărca paginile dvs. de web. Acum puteţi încărca paginile web şi apoi răsfoiţi site-ul dvs. web. Veţi observa că reclamele Google apare pe tine site-ul web.

Plasarea anunţurilor corect este foarte import pentru câştigurile bune. Cea mai bună plasare pentru anunţurile Google Adsense variază de la o pagină la alta, în funcţie de conţinut. Cel mai bun loc pentru a plasa anunţuri Google Adsense, ori de câte ori este vizitatorul site-ul web va fi uitat
Anunţurile privind de sus a paginii
Reclamele la partea de sus a paginii funcţionează bine. Alegeţi formatul de anunţuri care se amesteca cu culoarea paginii dvs. şi stilul. De exemplu, dacă pagina dvs. web are o culoare de fundal alb şi implicit culoarea link-urile dvs. este albastru, apoi să eliminaţi de frontieră de la Adsense, face culoarea anunţurile fundal alb.

Anunţurile de pe partea de jos a paginii
Anunţurile de pe partea de jos a paginii nu funcţionează bine. Deci, să nu se concentreze pe partea de jos a paginii anunţuri

Anunţurile de pe bara din dreapta
De obicei bara din dreapta este pentru navigarea site-ul web, de obicei, în partea dreaptă anunturi efectuează cel mai bine.

Anunţurile de pe bara din stânga
Stânga performanţa anunţurilor bar este de asemenea bun.

Puteţi afla informaţii despre acest lucru de la support / adsense / bin / static.py? Page = tips.html & = gsessionid HyRs2QlabOI.


Monitorul Tu Câştiga
Acum, site-ul dvs. este earning pentru tine. Site-ul dvs. web va câştiga în timp ce dorm. Puteţi logon la contul Google Adsense şi verificaţi earnings.Member dumneavoastră de My-Zone

Simple truth about www google adsense.

Simple truth about www google adsense. Introduction AdSense is an Pay Per Click advertisement program by Google. Publisher can place the Google Ads on their website to make revenue from it. Google AdSense program has proved to be the best advertisement program in the .com (web) world. There are only a handful of high traffic websites which don't use AdSense on their websites. Many people have made a full time living by earning through AdSense by developing content. AdSense program was started back in 2003 and became a great hit since then. One of the best thing about Google AdSense is that it is available in most of the counties unlike Yahoo's APT which is in beta mode and is just available only to the USA residents. The AdSense program is free of cost (meaning you don't have to invest any money for an AdSense account). All you need to have is a content rich blog or a website. Once you get accepted for AdSense (get accepted by Google, which you will easily get if you meet all their requirement) then you can select the kind of Ads (content, image, links, videos, etc.) which suits your website. What more? You can custom Ads using different font size and colors that blend with the content of your website. After displaying AdSense blocks on your website Google will serve your website with targeted Ads to your content and to the location of the visitors. When visitors will click on the displayed Ads you will get paid accordingly. AdSense has revolutionized the world of web Advertisement and made Google and web owner (monetizing their website with AdSense) rich and richer.Further readings Google uses AdWords program from where it get all of its ads which are displayed in AdSense and Google search results (sponsored results - on the right and top). Advertiser compete for top place in sponsored results (also for AdSense Ads) by bidding for keywords related to their website in the AdWords program. This is where the price for Ad is decided which starts from $0.05 minimum and can go upto $15 and even more for a single click on their Ad! Google now searches websites with the related keywords (website which are using the AdSense program) and if they find it to be worth displaying that ad then it will server it. Google takes an intense care of their AdWord Advertiser which the Advertiser except as they are the only one who are paying them (Google). Google's uses the motto (or slogan) of "Don't Be Evil" to maintain its brand image, competitive position and to attract long term visitor to both of the AdWords and AdSense users. More on AdSense Google Adsense is one of the most successful online advertising programs today. Google's AdSense is perhaps the fastest and easiest way to generate revenue from a website that contains great content. As a webmaster, Google's Adsense program can be a possible income stream from your website. You might have landed on alot of websites on Information and optimization techniques on AdSense, but at the end of the website they ask you to buy their book and learn by yourself. Well this is not the case with our website. Welcome to the first website totally dedicated to helping you get the most out of Google's AdSense program, without selling you any books or programs. All the information in this website is totally FREE! This website is a guide to the Adsense program that describes all major aspects, tips and optimizationsof the program to help you have the best experience with Google Adsense and to maximize your revenue upto 10 folds. We hope you enjoy our free Google Adsense Information, and that it will help you benefit most from Google Adsense. Please bookmark this page, and recommend it to anyone interested in learning about Google Adsense and the ways to earn more by optimizing it